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Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
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Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
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Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00

Deposit operations

Update date: 7 February 2020, 16:13

PJSB "Trustbank" offers legal entities to place free money funds on bank time deposits in order to take additional income. There are different interest rates depending on the term and amount of funds.

The Bank specialists will consult you on issues related to the placement of funds, as well as providing and completing the necessary documents.

Especial advantages:

  •  Deposit grid is constructed in such way that in case of early withdrawal of funds you also get some income.

Thus, cooperation with us gives you:

  • favorable interest rates on deposits;
  • flexible terms of deposit attraction;
  • individual approach to the client;

For more information, please contact the Treasury Department at phone (+998 71) 207-62-73

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