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1287, +998 78 140-00-88
+998 71 207-36-45
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Call center
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00
Hot line to shareholders
+998 78 140-00-88
Working hours: MO-FR 09:00-18:00


Update date: 3 January 2020, 15:50

“SMS-Bank” system is newly developing type of banking services, which allows Client to control bank accounts by ways of SMS exchange with the Bank.

You can conduct following operations via “SMS-Bank” system:

  • Send requests for getting information about account balance;
  • Automatically receive information about last incoming and outgoing settlement payments.

Advantages of “SMS-Bank”:

Efficiency! By getting access to “SMS-Bank” system through mobile phone, the Client will not have to visit the Bank in order to find our current account balance or conduct other operations related to account information. Efficient receiving of information about last incoming and outgoing settlement payments, as well as notifications about bank account changes in the limits established by Client, provide full control over bank accounts.

Convenience! “SMS-Bank” system gives the Client opportunity to have direct access to the bank account in “real-time” mode and receive bank account information from any mobile phone. According to the Client’s needs, there is a possibility to use “SMS-Bank” service from a few mobile phones.There are no requirements for setting special mobile phone software for using “SMS-Bank” service.

In order to connect to “SMS-Bank” system, the Client should conclude agreement with the Bank.

Payment of monthly service fees is carried out according to current Bank’s tariffs.

In case if You have any questions please feel free to contact:

Operating Branch: (998 71) 244-76-45, 244-76-22;

“Darhan” Branch: (998 71) 237-13-84;

“Tashkent” Branch: (998 71) 277-94-43;

Yakkasaray Branch: (99871) 244-21-44;

Andijan Branch: 8 (374) 226-33-66;

Namangan Branch: 8 (369) 232-65-33;

Termez Branch: 8 (376) 224-22-51;

Samarkand Branch: 8 (366) 233-14-82;

Fergana Branch: (99873) 244-40-15;

Karshi Branch: 8 (375) 227-19-01.

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