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Update date: 1 September 2020, 00:22
17. Seventeen emission:

а) basis for the issue of shares - Bank Council’s Decision of 5 July 2011, protocol # 106

b) the date of state registration, identification number of issue - seventeen emission # RU117P0022R8 of 18 October 2011

c) the commencement date of the placement of shares – 2 November 2011

d) the closing date of the placement of shares – 23 November 2011

e) the nominal value of one share, in UZS – UZS 1 000

f) the total volume of issued shares at nominal value, in UZS – UZS 2 000 000 000

g) the total number of issued shares – 2 000 000 shares

h) type and total number of issued shares, according to their type: ordinary shares – 2 000 000 shares preferred shares

i) name and address of stock exchange, where the shares are officially listed – «Tashkent» Republican Stock Exchange, 100047, city of Tashkent, 10 Bukhoro street

18. Eighteen emission:

a) basis for the issue of shares - Bank Council’s Decision of 8 August 2012, protocol # 54

b) the date of state registration, identification number of issue - eighteen emission # RU118P0022R6 of 28 September 2012

c) the commencement date of the placement of shares –17 October 2012

d) the closing date of the placement of shares – 26 November 2012

e) the nominal value of one share, in UZS – UZS 1 000

f) the total volume of issued shares at nominal value, in UZS – UZS 4 000 000 000

g) the total number of issued shares – 4 000 000 shares

h) type and total number of issued shares, according to their type: ordinary shares – 4 000 000 shares preferred shares

i) name and address of stock exchange, where the shares are officially listed – «Tashkent» Republican Stock Exchange, 100047, city of Tashkent, 10 Bukhoro street

19. Nineteen emission:

a) basis for the issue of shares - Bank Council’s Decision of 18 July 2013, protocol # 150

b) the date of state registration, identification number of issue - nineteen emission # RU119P0022R4 of 11 September 2013

c) the commencement date of the placement of shares –23 October 2013

d) the closing date of the placement of shares – 19 November 2013

e) the nominal value of one share, in UZS – UZS 1 000

f) the total volume of issued shares at nominal value, in UZS – UZS 5 250 000 000

g) the total number of issued shares – 5 250 000 shares

h) type and total number of issued shares, according to their type: ordinary shares – 5 250 000 shares preferred shares

i) name and address of stock exchange, where the shares are officially listed – «Tashkent» Republican Stock Exchange, 100047, city of Tashkent, 10 Bukhoro street

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